There are several things you need to take into consideration if you want to become a sociologist. You have to acquire the right degrees, learn about different aspects of sociology and acquire relevant skills. You must also review what is required to gain entry into a credible college as well as the information about degree programs and job duties of this profession. Here is a roundup of what you need to consider.
Bachelor’s Degree
The route to a career in sociology begins with obtaining a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college. A bachelor’s degree is necessary for minimum entry-level for any career in sociology. You can either enroll in a degree program for sociology or choose a related program. It is highly recommended to have some credits in sociology if you choose a related degree program.
Most colleges and universities will require you to have at least 16 hours of undergraduate classes before you can graduate. You will take courses in the areas of mathematics, statistics, sociological theories, English composition, humanities, social sciences and fine art. A typical sociology degree program has a minimum of 34 contact hours.
To be accepted into most sociology degree programs, you must have an acceptable high school grade-point average. A minimum of 2.75 is acceptable in many universities. Some universities may also look for a track record of extracurricular activities to determine whether you have interest in community development.
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Master’s Degree
A master’s degree gives you the opportunity to move to more advanced levels in your career. You will have to meet the university’s undergraduate grade-point average requirement in order to enroll in a master’s degree program. You will also be required to sit for a graduate record exam (GRE) and score at least 800 points to qualify for admission.
Essential Skills
You need to develop certain skills and traits to work as a sociologist. You need active listening skills so you can pay full attention to what other people are saying. You need to communicate effectively, be aware of people’s reactions and use logic and reasoning when handling problems and applying solutions. It is also important you exhibit a sound understanding of human behavior and be able to make good judgements and decisions.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Sociologist
You also need to fully understand the roles you will play once you become a sociologist. The main role of a sociologist is to research the way communities operate. In order to come up with accurate research results, a sociologist must set up and conduct statistical samplings. He must create theoretical models using the latest technology and present them to clients. A sociologist also helps influence the opinions of the public in politics, organizes philanthropic events and educates the public on the best life practices.
Careers Available for Sociologists
Someone with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in sociology can do a wide range of jobs. You can become a political analyst, lawyer, management consultant, media planner, survey researcher, human resource representative, social worker, public relations officer, media researcher, just to name a few. The list is very long.
Sociology is a promising academic field for those who love to interact with people and offer solutions to the problems facing humanity. The tips discussed above will give you helpful insights on how to become a sociologist.