Sociology is a broad field with many niches and a wide variety of areas of study and application. The focus of a sociology practitioner, researcher, or scholar can be as broad or as focused as the individual wishes it to be. This can make the field daunting for those just beginning their journey into the social science and that’s where this resource guide comes in. Listed here are forty of the most prominent resources in sociology, from associations and research organizations, to major publications and conference. This list, while not exhaustive, strives to give the reader a comprehensive overview of the kinds of opportunities that exist in the field of sociology while also providing you with extensive general resources that are useful to all persons in the sociology field regardless of focus or expertise.
Associations, and Research Organizations, and Resources
American Sociology Association is the foremost professional association for sociology professionals in the United States. This association is responsible for the publication of many highly regarded professional journals, and for carrying out research integral to the advancement of the sociology field.
International Sociological Association is a global organization devoted to the advancement of sociology on the world stage. The ISA conducts research across all socioeconomic and geographic borders in the world and advocates for sociological causes on an international level.
Southern Rural Sociological Association focuses on sociological phenomena and challenges unique to the U.S. rural south. This organization has been included as an example of the specificity of available sociological organizations.
Asia Pacific Sociological Association is a meta-organization that exists to link the many smaller sociological associations in the asia-pacific region together so that they might share results and resources.
The Australian Sociological Association is the premier sociological association on the continent/country of Australia. The organization focuses on studying Australia’s unique culture while facilitating sociology education and providing its members with professional development opportunities.
European Sociological Association is the primary sociological organization covering the whole of Europe. The goal of the ESA is to study the widespread changes occurring in European society and to contribute the sociological perspective to the ongoing conversation regarding European affairs.
Alpha Kappa Delta is the collegiate honors society for sociology students. The organization is devoted to recognizing excellence in both the study and practice of the sociology discipline by students.
Society for the Study of Social Problems is devoted to solving social problems using an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the critical, scientific, and humanist perspectives.
Consortium of Social Science Associations is a meta-organization that seeks to bring together all professional associations in the social sciences in order to facilitate conversation between them and use this multidisciplinary approach to formulate new perspectives on problems.
National Science Foundation is a government organization devoted to the advancement of the sciences and is an invaluable resource for sociologists seeking funding for research as well as other forms of support.
National Institutes of Health is concerned with all public health issues including those encompassed by the field of sociology and thus is the go-to organization for information regarding public health related issues.
Census Bureau is an important resource for sociologists as it contains extensive information about people and can be broken up into various geographical regions and socioeconomic divisions.
International Visual Sociology Association is devoted to the creation of visual methods by which sociological truths can be communicated to the illiterate or those with whom a practitioner does not share a language.
Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology is committed to the professional development of its members and advancing the science of clinical sociology as a whole.
American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciencesis an interdisciplinary organization focused on bringing together practitioners and scholars from across the behavioral and social sciences fields to collaborate on problems of which each discipline shares a piece.
Sociology publishes peer reviewed original articles featuring the quality research and theoritical works written by scholars and practitioners. The journal deals with sociology in a broad sense, covering the widest range of issues within the field possible.
Sociological Focus has been published continuously for 45 years and is the official publication of the North Central Sociological Association. The journal, though published by a regional association, is international in scope covering a broad base of topics deemed relevant to sociology.
International Review of Sociology is the oldest sociological publication in the world, having begun publication in 1893. The journal maintains an interdisciplinary approach, believing that sociology cannot be separated from politics, economics, history, anthropology, and social psychology.
Sociological Methodology is wholly concerned with sociology research methodologies. The publication is the only such sociology journal published by a U.S. sociology organization. The journal covers all different types of research methods, and seeks to advance sociology research through innovation and evaluation.
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews publishes reviews and discussions of recent works in the sociology sphere. The journal selects works for review based on their relevance to current pressing issues and trends in sociology.
Critical Sociology focuses on publication of articles from myriad perspectives seeking out particularly works on the fringe of the field dealing with critical and radical social science.
Cultural Sociology is committed to the publication of quality peer reviewed articles that are either empirical or theoretical. The focus is on sophisticated works that represent major developments and contributions to sociology.
Current Sociology is the official journal of the International Sociological Association. This fully peer reviewed journal publishes original research, and innovative critical commentary that addresses the major debates within the growing field or contributes to the understanding of the potential of sociology for international impact.
International Journal of Comparative Sociology publishes high quality peer reviewed research with the aim of impacting sociology globally. The journal publishes not just the work of sociologists, but of professionals in many related disciplines as well.
International Sociology is a high impact factor journal the goal of which is to highlight the diversity of thought, method, and approach in the international sociology community.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy focuses on the importance of sociology not just for describing and studying the human condition, but also the necessity of taking action and advocating for social policy reform based on findings.
Advances in Medical Sociology is focused on the study of sociology as it relates to the medical field. This includes issues such as access to basic and advanced medical services. The journal seeks to highlight problem areas in need of reform through original research and theoretical work.
Journal of Classical Sociology is devoted to reminding its readers of past contributions to sociology and the development of classical ideas in order to better enable current practitioners to continue to build on those ideas and advance the field.
Sociological Theory publishes theoretical works from all disciplines of social thought. Subjects consist of all types of sociological theory including but not limited to new substantive theories, history of theory, metatheory, and formal theory construction.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation is an interdisciplinary journal that seeks to understand social interaction through the use of computer simulation. The intent of the journal is to come to a more complete understanding of general social processes.
Qualitative Sociology focuses on the qualitative analysis of social interaction as it pertains to the social life. Qualitative Sociology publishes both theoretical and analytical research.
Sociological Forum provides sociology practitioners and scholars with a place in which to discuss advancements in sociology as a field from both perspectives.
Sociological Perspectives is a publication in which sociology scholars discuss the rapid evolution of ideas and increase in knowledge of sociology.
American Journal of Economics and Sociology focuses on the impact of economics on sociology and vice versa. The journal addresses the interaction of economics and sociology through the use of several different methodologies in both disciplines.
Children and Society is primarily concerned with the role of sociology in the protection and support of children. The journal takes an interdisciplinary approach to the topic and publishes a broad range of articles contributed by professionals that examine the impact of various life conditions on children.
Global Policy is an interdisciplinary journal focused on advancing the global impact of sociology through innovation in both research and global policy advocacy.
Interrogating Inequality: The 108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association is themed around addressing the issues surrounding inequality. This is the primary conference of the American Sociological Association and features presentations from some of the most renowned academics and practitioners in the field.
International Conference on Applied Social Science Research is being held in Shanghai this year and though it is an international conference the primary language of the conference is English. The focus of the conference is on the practical application of research to social problems.
Academic, Business, Behavioral Science Research Conference is designed to be a meeting of the minds in business and the social sciences to allow for collaboration and innovation for the social good in the realm of both parties.
Online Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Sciences is an international Australian conference made available online for those that can’t make the transcontinental trip. This is a multidisciplinary social sciences conference focused on collaboration between all the various social sciences disciplines on problems that transcend the expertise of the individual fields.